ValueApex (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Ready to start transforming your asset maintenance management?

Do You Know About Device Management System Software?

Understanding of Equipment Management System Software

For production equipment, the equipment management system software implements the concept of preventive medicine for human health, with equipment ledger management as the basis, and establishes a multi-level equipment control system for prevention, diagnosis, repair, and maintenance, helping enterprises achieve full lifecycle management of equipment, improve equipment reliability, extend equipment service life, and maximize equipment utilization efficiency and production efficiency.

For manufacturing enterprises, equipment is the key to determining the success or failure of the enterprise, so it is particularly important for manufacturing enterprises to manage equipment. Nowadays, many enterprises are trying to upgrade their manufacturing in order to improve their core competitiveness. However, it is understood that many small and medium-sized enterprises still do not attach enough importance to equipment management. These enterprises are still in a state where equipment can be used at a pinch, repaired when it breaks down, and can continue to be used as long as it is useful, which is detrimental to the development of the enterprise. Once equipment failure occurs, the time required for maintenance will have a significant impact on the company's production schedule, and safety issues are likely to arise.

At this time, informationized and full-lifecycle management of equipment is particularly important. So, what functions does Equipment Management System Software have?

Functions of Equipment Management System Software

Equipment ledger management

Full lifecycle management of equipment, including strategic planning, procurement, installation, operation, maintenance, and scrapping. The equipment management system software can establish detailed basic equipment information and quick equipment file query function, and can easily query all kinds of static and dynamic information of equipment.

Equipment file management includes equipment classification and grading, equipment manufacturers, equipment models, installation locations, usage time, usage status, maintenance suggestions, etc. The entire process information of equipment can be quickly viewed for unified management of equipment full lifecycle.

Equipment maintenance management

Production personnel can initiate maintenance requests and maintenance records for equipment through mobile and PC terminals. The equipment management system software can automatically generate maintenance work orders for equipment in the system. It realizes the function of maintenance plan approval, and the plan content includes equipment to be maintained, equipment location, planned date, maintenance content, maintenance personnel, etc. According to the actual maintenance function allocation of the enterprise, the system also realizes the function of batch automatically producing maintenance work orders, which will also enter the workflow according to the designated maintenance personnel.

Equipment maintenance management

Equipment management system software can generate maintenance plans based on maintenance cycles, automatically generate maintenance work orders and tasks based on plans, and automatically assign them to maintenance personnel. Maintenance personnel can associate maintenance plans and perform on-site equipment maintenance tasks through mobile terminals.

The equipment management system software also includes functions such as spare parts inventory management, on-site inspection management, and visual report management. For detailed functions, please contact ValueApex, and ValueApex will provide you with detailed answers as soon as possible!