ValueApex (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Ready to start transforming your asset maintenance management?

What Are the Functions and Contents of Equipment Management Software?

The role of equipment management software

  • It can solidify the enterprise's good equipment management model through software platforms, promote the standardization level of enterprise equipment management, and improve overall execution efficiency.

  • Redefine and optimize equipment management processes to achieve standardization, standardization, and refinement of equipment management processes, and improve overall execution efficiency.

  • Increase equipment reliability and availability, reduce equipment failure and downtime, and improve the overall efficiency of equipment.

  • Reasonably integrate and configure company technical resources, human resources, financial resources, spare parts resources, etc., achieve resource utilization maximization, and improve the efficiency of maintenance work.

  • With the help of the information system and tools, equipment management software strengthens on-site work control, grasps equipment status in real-time, comprehensively tracks and records maintenance and repair processes, and provides accurate and timely maintenance and repair information analysis for equipment asset management.

  • Use the information system to implement a spare parts inventory warning mechanism to realize the linkage between procurement, inventory, and consumption, reduce spare parts inventory and its costs, and cooperate with relevant management regulations to strengthen the management of spare parts requisitions.

  • Formulate performance indicators and assessment systems, and use the data processing capability of information systems to provide scientific basis for company management decision-making.

Content of equipment management software

Equipment asset and technical management

Equipment management software establishes an equipment information database to realize equipment pre-selection, procurement, installation testing, transfer, and after-transfer operations such as moving, sealing, opening, idle, leasing, transfer, and scrap, and record the technical status, maintenance, lubrication, and other conditions during equipment operation.

Equipment document management

Logging, organizing, and handing over relevant equipment-related documents.

Equipment defect and accident management

Equipment defect reporting, tracking, statistics, and handling of emergency equipment incidents.

Preventive maintenance

Reliability-based regular maintenance and maintenance, decomposition of maintenance plans, and automatic generation of preventive maintenance work orders.

Maintenance schedule planning

Based on equipment operation records and maintenance personnel's work records, compile overall maintenance and maintenance task progress arrangements, and determine maintenance workers based on task priorities and maintenance personnel's job requirements.

Work order generation and tracking

Plan, approve, execute, check, and report on personnel, spare parts, tools, work steps, work progress, and other aspects of automatically generated preventive or predictive maintenance work orders and manually entered request work orders, and track work order status.

Spare parts management

Equipment management software establishes a spare parts ledger, compiles a spare parts plan, handles daily inventory transactions (receipt, issue, movement, inventory, etc.) based on the minimum spare parts inventory level or spare parts reorder point, automatically generates a purchasing plan, and tracks the relationship between spare parts and equipment.