ValueApex (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.
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Benefits of Equipment Management Software for Manufacturing Enterprises

Understanding equipment management software

With the development of information technology, the use of Equipment Management software is becoming increasingly common. More and more manufacturing companies are gradually adopting digitalized, systemized, and information-based Equipment Management software to meet their upgrading needs and market positioning requirements. Traditional manual operation for equipment management is no longer suitable for practical needs in today's fast-paced and data-intensive environment. The use of information-based Equipment Management software is an inevitable outcome of the development of the times and has become a necessary means of managing production equipment for manufacturing companies. So, what are the advantages of Equipment Management software and what benefits can it bring to factory equipment management?

Benefits of equipment management software

Efficiently manage equipment, save investment costs, and improve production efficiency

Equipment Management software uses a unified equipment coding rule, and a full lifecycle equipment ledger to establish electronic asset cards for all factory equipment and logistics equipment of the enterprise. It digitally manages fixed assets to make the details of equipment usage and management easily viewed. Before purchasing new equipment, it is first checked whether there are similar unused equipment in the factory to avoid unnecessary equipment purchasing and saving resources and costs for the enterprise.

Significantly improves equipment management work efficiency and solves the problem of equipment's full lifecycle management

The electronic ledger from Equipment Management software improves the efficiency of equipment's full lifecycle management which makes equipment inspection, maintenance, lubrication, and repair convenient and efficient. It solves the problem of unclear equipment accounts of the factory and enables the full lifecycle management of equipment.

Conforms to the concept of intelligent manufacturing management and enhances equipment management value

Equipment Management software meets the needs of intelligent and standardized management of enterprises. The application of Equipment Management software is in line with the requirements of enterprise informationization, systematization, and gradual intelligentization. The application of Equipment Management software helps to implement and execute equipment management concepts and improves the value of equipment management invisibly.

Grasp the status of equipment usage in all aspects and save equipment maintenance costs

 Maintenance and repair records are kept by Equipment Management software, which enables active and whole-process management, effectively improves the lifecycle of equipment, automatically calculates the workload of equipment, invisibly saves costs for the enterprise, and improves circulation efficiency.

Automatic evaluation of equipment's health status

Automatic evaluation of equipment health is also one of the highlights of the management platform. By automatically collecting information on equipment defect treatment and other relevant indicators of equipment, automatic evaluation of equipment is carried out, and then summarized by region and system, obtaining the entire enterprise's health score for equipment, and providing a clear data description for leaders to grasp the overall health status of enterprise equipment.