ValueApex (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Ready to start transforming your asset maintenance management?

The Role of Facility Maintenance System

Recognition of facility maintenance system

Production equipment is the foundation of enterprise production, and intelligent management of equipment can improve equipment productivity and reduce various wastes. The equipment maintenance system includes functions such as equipment ledger, equipment inspection, equipment regular maintenance, equipment spare parts, and equipment repair. The equipment ledger is the basic information of the equipment, and daily inspection is the check standard for the key parameters of the equipment. There is also daily data recording and tracking of equipment, and regular maintenance and maintenance work can be formed based on the actual data analysis of parameters during inspection. It is used to ensure the normal operation of equipment assets and the extension of equipment life. So, what are the uses of the Facility Maintenance System?

Understanding the role of the facility maintenance system

Scan the device CV

Equipment review, equipment acceptance, equipment ledger, equipment information management, equipment supplier information, and other functions are supported.

Scan the device ledger

You can quickly import existing equipment ledgers and equipment files from Excel spreadsheets to support batch operations.

Equipment spare parts

The Facility Maintenance System supports batch and single device borrowing and lending management, as well as single device selection operations. You can print the equipment list online, supporting QR code for easy scanning check.

Device failure repair

Supporting mobile terminal or terminal device for directly reporting faults by scanning. The mobile terminal can check repair opinions at any time and support uploading photos of fault scenes.

Remote device maintenance

Equipment repair personnel can quickly check the cause of equipment failures through mobile or terminal devices, and dispose of repairs on site, and can directly decide the next step of repair or equipment suspension.

Device maintenance processing

The equipment maintenance personnel come to the site, start the repair until the processing is completed; can view the history of maintenance records to help quickly find the cause of the fault and help troubleshoot. Fill out the processing opinion, and then confirm by taking photos.

Equipment maintenance acceptance record

After the equipment maintenance personnel completes the repair and acceptance, the relevant on-site equipment situation needs to be recorded. The Facility Maintenance System can analyze and summarize the same faulty equipment based on the historical repair records of the equipment, record it in the file, and help complete the repair work faster next time.

The above is to share the functions and applications of the Facility Maintenance System; the situation of each enterprise factory is different, and the requirements will also be different. Faced with such similar situations, some factory managers may spend not only money but also energy. These equipment management functions shared are practical and safe, and can help factories and enterprises solve about 70% of the difficult points in equipment management.